Muscle Bound - Part 2

I am rather a philistine when it comes to gardening. Having had no time or inclination to learn other than watching the occasional BBC’s “Beechgrove Garden” when nothing else was on TV, I generally bought pre-planted hanging baskets in my previous sedentary life. When Jill, Richard’s cousin Mark’s wife, with whom we were staying (see previous blog here ), asked me to plant up four baskets, to hang outside the felting studio, tremors of trepidation ran through me. I wanted to show willing, but was afraid to reveal my ignorance. I thought I was onto a reprieve when she told me that she still needed to get the old liners from last year replaced, as the coco-nut fiber lining only really works for one season. Coco-nut fibers? Liners? I thought I might slink away into their cottage and read a book; change my mind about offering my services. But no, the naive, creative part of me suggested that her felt off-cuts (which I had spied when I was helping he...