A Day in the Life of... part 2
So we have changed our RVing lifestyle for a slightly less sedentary and more industrious one. However, it is not nearly as industrious as the lifestyle followed by the ancients, who lived here in the Americas first. As previously described , their Puebloan lifestyle might be considered simple compared to ours, but they were none the less highly sophisticated according to their means and time, and the footsteps they left are awe inspiring. You can read even more here Of course, their simple lives changed in the 16 th Century, when those who first conquered the south-west of America, the Spaniards, arrived and eventually forcibly influenced the way of life of the indigenous peoples of the land they called New Mexico. Some things change, but others don’t. Richard and I start the day around 8 am, by building the fire, to top up the central heating of the house. Since moving here 5 weeks ago, we have had three snowfalls, and recently daytime temp...