
Showing posts from December, 2016

Las Vegas - Losses and Wins

Our plans went awry mid October when we heard that Richard’s brother Don had fallen 20 feet out of a tree while out hunting in Arkansas.   With a dislocated shoulder, punctured lung, brain trauma, cracked ribs and vertebrae, you could say it was a near miss.   He was lucky he didn’t lose his life. After 3 weeks of recuperation with 1 on 1 attention from his daughter and her family at their home near Dallas, Richard was going to spend some time with Don, to move him home and make sure he would be able look after himself on his own. Richard's trip meant we had to reschedule our planned stay in Vegas, where we were supposed to be meeting up with my nephew Steven and his new bride Stephanie who were going to there for their honeymoon.   I was going to miss their wedding in Scotland but had contented myself with the thought that I would be able to congratulate them in person in Sin City.   If all went well, we would still be able to spend a couple of days with...